Los trabajos académicos de Zhang Wei
1. Morey, Zhang Wei: "Desarrollo adolescente y psicología educativa", Jinan University Press, 1997.
2. Morey, Ren Xuming, Zhang Wei, Wang Suiping: "Principios básicos". of Psychology Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", Jinan University Press, 1997
3. Editor jefe Shen Jiaxian, editores adjuntos Li Yalin y Zhang Wei: "Research on Children's Cognitive Development", Guangzhou Press, 1995
4. Editor jefe Cheng Liguo: "Psicología del desarrollo infantil" (coeditor), Fujian Education Press, 1997
5. Education" (coeditor), Malaysia Dongzong Publishing Bureau, 1997
6. Editor en jefe Wang Dingcheng: "Educational Social Psychology" (coeditor), Guangdong Higher Education Press, 1996 p>
7. Editor en jefe Morey, editor en jefe adjunto He Xianyou, Zhang Wei, Zuo Bin, Dai Jianlin: "Obras maestras de los maestros en psicología del siglo XX", Guangdong Higher Education Press, 2002
8. Editor en jefe Morey: "Psicología educativa" (coeditor), Guangdong Higher Education Press, 2002
9. y Ge Minggui: "Adolescent Mental Health Education", East China Normal University Press, 2003
10. Morey, Zhang Wei, et al.: "Research on Learning Psychology", Guangdong People's Publishing House, 2005